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One of the world's largest willows when mature (60-100’), black willow is so-named for its dark, ebony bark. It most commonly grows in floodplains and along the water’s edge, where it can reduce erosion.


Prefers full sun, but tolerates light shade. 


Grows in a wide variety of soil types as long as there is consistent moisture.


Wildlife Value: Willows are a host plant for 328 species of Lepidoptera larvae, including the mourning cloak and viceroy butterflies. Willows are among the first plants to bloom in spring, providing nectar and pollen for emerging pollinators. Birds eat the catkins, and other animals eat the bark and twigs.


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Willow, Black, Salix nigra

Excluding Sales Tax
  • We happily purchase or trade other plant material for locally gathered native seeds. Please provide pictures of the mature plant if possible, ideally when in flower or seed for best ID

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