Also known as stiff goldenrod, this plant provides important habitat and nourishment while beautifying the fall landscape with its erect bunches of cheery yellow flowers. Large basal leaves sometimes persist into winter, making it easy to distinguish from other goldenrods.
Can be found growing wild in dry fields, prairies, open areas, and along roadsides. It is a prolific self-seeder, so removal of the seedheads may be needed in smaller settings.
Plant Characteristics:
Grows 3-5’ with a spread of 1.5–2.5’.
Thrives in full sun.
Grows in clay, loam, or gravelly material. Prefers moist to slightly dry conditions or medium, well-drained soil. Too much water and rich soil is detrimental.
Yellow flowers, slightly larger than flowers of other goldenrods, appear in August and September. The central disk is yellow.
Semi-evergreen basal leaves are up to 10” long.
Shorter leaves alternate up the unbranched stem. The floppy leaves become stiff later in the year. They are variably shaped, but always have blunt tips. Unlike some goldenrods, basal leaves usually persist to flowering time.
Stems are stout and hairy; roots are deep and fibrous.
Wildlife Value:
Attracts a wide variety of wildlife and hosts 122 species of lepidoptera larvae, including brown-hooded owlet moth, asteroid moth, and wavy-lined emerald moth (pictured here in order). An important source of nectar for many pollinators, the flowers are a favorite of Monarch butterflies as they prepare for fall migration. Other visitors include long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, and beetles. Insects that are known to feed on stiff-leaved goldenrod, specifically, include larvae of black blister gall midge, twirler moth, and marked tricholita. Praying mantis, assassin bugs, and spiders are just a few of the many predators that can be found taking advantage of the bounty of insects that feed on goldenrods. Deer, rabbit, and muskrat eat this plant during the early stages of growth. Prairie chicken and song birds eat the seeds.
Medicinal and Edible Uses:
Goldenrod has also been used to treat tuberculosis, diabetes, enlargement of the liver, gout, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, asthma, and arthritis. In folk medicine, it is used as a mouth rinse to treat inflammation of the mouth and throat.
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