This deciduous native shrub leafs out in glowing, green leaves in mid-spring, competing bravely with the non-native plants that reveal themselves in early spring. Fly honeysuckle prefers the cool, dappled light and moist soils of woodlands. It bears paired, yellowish flowers between May and June and small, bright red fruits in July and August. It grows 2 to 5 feet tall with loose, irregularly placed branches that may take root where they touch the ground, forming clonal plants; however, it usually occurs individually rather than in colonies. It's resistant to pests, diseases, and deer browse.
Fly honeysuckle is often found under trees in hardwood and mixed forests, near swamps, on rock outcrops, and along streams. Provide adequate water the first year of growth.
Plant Characteristics:
Prefers part or full shade. Tolerates full sun with some protection from afternoon sun.
Grows 2-5' tall.
Prefers average to moist, humusy soils.
Flowers are 1/2 - 3/4" long, light yellow, and tubular with 5 triangular lobes. They tend to hang downward in pairs from leaf axils near branch tips. Five pale yellow stamens and a long, slender yellow style emerge from the tube. Flowers appear between April and June, followed by fruits in July and August. Paired fruits are 1/3", oval, bright red berries facing in opposite directions.
Opposite, simple, light green leaves have smooth margins lined with very fine hairs. Leaves are wider at the base and 2 - 3 1/2" long with pointed tips.
Its main stems have light brown to brownish gray bark. The twigs are green to purplish.
Wildlife Value:
This is a valuable plant for pollinators such as native bees, butterflies, snowberry and hummingbird clearwings, and hummingbirds. The fruits of honeysuckle species are eaten by a wide variety of birds, including robins, goldfinches, and catbirds. Wild turkeys, ruffed grouses, and dark-eyed juncos use use the plant as cover. Northern mockingbirds, gray catbirds, and brown thrashers use it as a nesting site. Ruby-throated hummingbirds consume the nectar.
Medicinal, Edible, and Other Uses:
The Iroquois used L. canadensis as a blood purifier and sedative for children. The Montagnais and Potawatomi used the plant as a diuretic. The Menominee used the bark to treat urinary diseases (
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