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Despite its common name, this low-growing beauty is native to much of North America, including Ohio. Pure white, cup-shaped flowers bloom in April-June, floating above large, striking leaves.


Found growing naturally in meadows and along lakes and stream banks. Commonly used as a ground cover or erosion control in low lying or moist areas. Can be used in place of barberry, pachysandra, vinca and mulch.


Plant Characteristics:

Spreads vigorously by seeding and rhizomes, reaching heights of 1-2’ tall.


Plant in full to part sun. Shorter and better behaved in shady, dry sites.


Moist to average, well-drained soil; happily grows in clay, loam and sandy soils.


Wildlife Value:

Attracts both butterflies and numerous species of bees and other pollinators, and is especially enjoyed by moths. A host plant for veiled grass and one-lined Sparganothis moths, and attracts parasitoid wasps that prey on the numerous insect visitors.


Medicinal, Edible Other Uses:

Native Americans used the plant as a styptic and astringent for wounds and skin abrasions.


Like all anemones, Canada anemone contains toxic irritants, so those who choose to imbibe should be very familiar with precautions.

Anemone, Canada, Anemone canadensis

Excluding Sales Tax
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  • Once we're certain we have good germination, we'll make these plants available for prepurchase.

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